Monday, October 5, 2009

Part one of

Well, it's Monday and the world is at its height of bad vibes for the week. I've noticed particularily as the seasons change, the societal overtones of change being bad rear their ugly head more so than at any mid-season point throughout the year.

We live in a world where bad vibes lambaste us everywhere we go, licking our open wounds with a tinge of salt that gets the hair on our back up and causes us to spread them ourselves with the virulence of Spanish Influenza.

Blame politicians, the media, technology, your uncle who was inappropriate when you were a kid - take your pick as to the root cause of this barbarism we perpetrate on each other every day, I'm not convinced the cause matters so much as the solution.

So here we start part one of a series of to-be-determined length, my attempt to inject some positivity into this overly negative world of ours that beats this shit out of us on a daily basis and often prevents us from seeing the beauty in it because we are too busy LOLing with someone via a tiny electronic device I've heard many refer to as "my brain"......(pause for contemplation)

Now that I've done my introductory ramble as to how this text came to pass, I'd like to talk about my "case of the Mondays".....Today was different, the days have been different a lot lately. My outlook has changed. Maybe it was reading too much Ghandi, reading about the pride and glory our society once had, or maybe it was as simple as realizing change lies within, but today was a Monday like no other that I've ever had.

I woke up with a determination to face the day with a sense of optimism like no other. Life is good. Sure, there are bothersome things in my life but there's only one person who can fix that and it's not Dr. Oz. I awoke early as today was a swim day, early enough that I was treated to a beautfiul sunrise on my way to the pool, why is it that we so often forget the beauty nature produces on, well, a daily basis? Coupled with an iPod fuelled soundtrack, it was a magnificent way to start the day. A quick 40 minute dip, then off to work, which can often get folks off the rails pretty quickly, particularly on a Monday. So what makes people not like work? Well, for the sane ones, usually it is being apart from loved ones - so I made an effort to seek out two people who were "mondaying out" and asked them about family. Listening to someone beam with pride about their proginy is a wonderful thing, lost so frequently in the haze of idle conversation about the weather, that local sports team or what have you. Next time you take a break, ask a co-worker about something you know will make them smile and feed on the positivity. Become a revivalist for the lost art of human interaction...

Home I came, to a meal of veal cutlet and a nice salad with a home made balsamic vinagrette - this is a great time of year to live in Ontario I tells ya - harvest time. The bounty is delicious, it's local and fresh as all get out. Follow dinner with an excursion on to the internet, where I researched one of my favourite pieces of music and how it sounded in various acoustically diverse environments such as churches, studios and the like. We so often grab a hold of songs so brief periods of time, listening to them over and over and trying to understand them. That's an awesomely universal human trait - trying to understand art. Amen.

That's all for now - I hope your day was beautiful, and if it you are sitting there thinking it wasn't, take a moment and ask yourself what you did, saw and heard today that was awesome....

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